
Preview: The Charlatan's Boy

The Charlatan's Boy: A NovelIn this frontier fantasy, a traveling huckster and his adolescent assistant perpetrate an elaborate hoax on the good citizens of Corenwald. When the scheme leads to widespread panic, the results are hilarious, terrifying, and revealing.

Free Kindle Download of Troublesome Creek

Troublesome Creek (Troublesome Creek Series #1)For a limited time, you can download a copy of Troublesome Creek (Troublesome Creek Series #1) by author Jan Watson in Kindle version. 

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Author Jan Watson Visits Menifee County

Jan pictured with members of the Menifee County
"Troublesome Creek" Book Club named
after Jan's first book - the first book
chosen by the Troublesome Creek book club.

New Release: Dragons of the Valley

Dragons of the Valley: A NovelShe's just managed to save her father and their world, but the adventure isn't over. A new enemy threatens Chiril, and Tipper and her friends are the country's only hope of survival.

New Release: Clockwork Angel (The Infernal Devices, Book 1)

The Infernal Devices 01. The Clockwork AngelNo, it's not a glamour and your eyes are not playing tricks on you: Cassandra Clare is back with a prequel to the crazy-addicting, internationally bestselling Mortal Instruments series! Clockwork Angel (which shot straight to #1 on the New York Times bestseller list when it came out, no joke), the first book in the Infernal Devices series, is filled with more demons, Shadowhunters, and shape-shifters for all you Mundies out there.